miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Orange Mousse

It ends the year and I can only say thanks to all of  you that visit me here on the blog and on youtube. After this, I can only say that today as the last recipe of the year, we will prepare an orange mousse, which is super simple and with seasonal products.


- 500ml of cream.
- 200ml of Condensed milk .
- 100ml of orange juice.


First we will whip the cream, once mounted add the condensed milk and mix with encircling movements, very carefully to not lose the whipped cream. The last step is add the orange juice, and mix carefully.
Serve the mousse in small bowls and decorate with orange zest, reserve in the fridge until the moment to serve.

As always I say, I hope you enjoyed this recipe and do not forget to share this with your friends and family. Thanks again for following me and Happy New Year!

If you want to see the video of this recipe, click here on the name of the recipe: Orange Mousse

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